Application Process

The planning application for the solar farm development will be submitted to Limerick County Council under Section 34 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A 10-year permission is likely to be sought.

It is intended that the planning application will be lodged later this year.

Additional Information

A Planning and Environmental Considerations Report will be prepared and submitted with the application. This will consider:

  • Population and Human Health
  • Biodiversity
  • Landscape and Visual
  • Cultural Heritage (inc. Archaeology)
  • Water
  • Flood Risk
  • Land and Soil
  • Noise and Vibration
  • Traffic and Transport


A glint and glare assessment, Landscape Management Plan and a Flood Risk Assessment will also be submitted as part of the planning application, as will an outline Construction Environmental Management Plan (which will be finalised in advance of any construction work taking place).

A screening for Appropriate Assessment (AA) will be prepared as part of the planning application submission for the solar energy development.

Application process

Environmental data is now being gathered on site, which will be used to inform the project design. This will be done through a combination of measures, recommended by specialists which may include:

  • Exclusion zones for archaeology, badgers, batts, etc.; and
  • Enhancements for biodiversity such as the inclusion of bat boxes and insect hotels.


The design of the proposed solar farm will also be influenced based on feedback from this public consultation, to allow it to respond the needs of the local community.

Once the design has been fixed, a detailed planning application will be prepared and submitted to Limerick County Council, including the specialist’s reports.